
Arachnoid Cyst: Success Stories |
Teresa B., Memphis, TN
Dear Dr. Shahinian
I know many of your patients and patient's families start out their letters the same way, but truly there is no other way to start them, or to write them or to end these letters.
We must all feel the same. The appreciation of you and your talent, your vision, your perseverance is beyond description, it seems beyond this dimension.
God has surely blessed you with gifts that you give to us to heal us and bless us in return. There's no way to adequately express it. I sit here and tears roll down my face, but it's a good feeling and a joyful feeling. So I thank you from Michael, myself and our family.
I will always remember you and think of you and express to all the surgeons and surgery workers what is possible. I carry Michael's surgery pictures and op. report in my anesthesia bag everyday to the O.R. And the surgeons I've showed these to, are extremely impressed, interested and writing down the website name.
Michael is doing very well and free from the headaches and nausea and vomiting and hopelessness.
Thank you. You establishing your website saved us. I sat up one night until 3am and looked at every clip, every interview and every word I could read on your website. We hope someday to make another trip to California and have an appointment to thank you once more.
Teresa B.
Memphis, TN