
Trigeminal Neuralgia: Success Stories |
Mary Ann P., Monrovia, CA
I suffered from trigeminal neuralgia before I met Dr. Shahinian.
In my quest to find a cure for this insidious disease I saw five different neurologists. Not one of them gave me any hope for a cure. I was pumped-up with drugs that had no effect and written off as an emotional basket case. This went on for about two years.
I was unable to work during this time due to the constant onset of attacks of burning electrical shocks to my face that lasted up to two hours at a time. These episodes could be triggered by the simplest of gestures, like brushing my teeth or washing my hair. Then one day I was referred to Dr. Shahinian. He made time in his busy schedule to see me immediately. Upon presenting him with my MRI films, he diagnosed my condition without hesitation. He then took the time to explain the surgical procedure and the alternatives to surgery. I opted for the surgery at the Skull Base Institute.
I don't know what I would have done if I hadn't found Dr. Shahinian. He saved my sanity. I have since referred several people to him, and they have all benefited greatly.
The world would be a much more painful place without him.
Mary Ann P.
Monrovia, CA