
Trigeminal Neuralgia: Success Stories |
Bob B., Elkader, IA
Dear Dr. Shahinian,
My dentist was the first to diagnose my trigeminal neuralgia. I told him I was having severe shooting pains while brushing my teeth. My local MD confirmed his diagnosis and I had an MRI. We experimented with a couple different drugs but I got no relief until I got on Tegretol. I found that to be effective for controlling the pain but the combination of pain and side effects was ruining my life.
I run a business with over two hundred employees so I have to be sharp. By experimenting with the Tegretol I could balance how much pain I could stand and how much drowsiness and lethargy I could live with. By the time I shaved, showered, and brushed my teeth in the morning I was usually in tears. My daughter told me about seeing Dr.Shahinian on the internet and pushed me to contact the Skull Base Institute. Dr. Shahinian looked at my MRI and quickly agreed with the diagnosis of trigeminal neuralgia. He was very confident that he could fix my problem with surgery. Dr. Shahinian and his staff were very skillful and professional in their work. My surgery was performed in May of 2012 and within only a few days the pain was gone and still is. Not until being drug free for a few months did I realize how bad the drugs were dragging me down. Dr. Shahinian gave me my life back.
Bob B.
Elkader, IA