
Pituitary Tumor: Success Stories |
Gevork K., Sunland, CA
I am writing this letter today after my father received medical treatment that saved his life.
My father was diagnosed with acromegaly, a noncancerous pituitary tumor. Acromegaly is a chronic disease caused by the uncontrolled overproduction of growth hormone by the pituitary, a tiny gland located just below the brain. Let me briefly tell you our family’s story.
My father was a handsome and athletic man. He would always take care of his body and eat healthfully. He is a very caring, honest and lovable man. I always look up to him and hope to live my life in his footsteps. He means the world to me and our family and friends and I just can’t imagine life without such a great man…without my father. Although he is still the same man we all know and love, now things are very different.
Over several years, my father’s outward appearance, physical features and general health changed. He experienced symptoms such as headaches, vision problems, sleep apnea, gradual enlargement of hands and feet, and coarsening of facial features, including his nose, lips, and jaw. It was as if my father was turning into someone else. I was terrified. We were all worried but doctors insisted he was healthy and the symptoms he was experiencing were changes having to do with aging.
His condition continued to worsen. He experienced upper airway obstruction, cardiomegaly, hypertension and diabetes mellitus. I just kept thinking to myself, "How can this be happening to my father, the healthiest most athletic person I know?" After months and months of struggle, including going from one doctor to another and undergoing complicated tests such as MRI and CAT scans, he was finally diagnosed with Acromegaly. When we were told that doctors had found a 5mm tumor in my father’s head, I was speechless.
Other doctors recommended radiation and chemotherapy. Both options failed miserably. After endless intervals of radiation and chemotherapy, the tumor was still there. We consulted two other experts on this matter, and they suggested a surgical procedure that would require opening the skull and would result in deformation of the face and head. This surgery was not only more dangerous but extremely expensive. Also, according to these doctors, it would be risky, with more chances for complication and fewer chances for recovery. We were very frightened. We didn’t know what to do next. We prayed for a miracle every day and hoped God will help us.
I started to do research on the Internet and found the Skull Base Institute. We met the head of the institute, Dr. Shahinian. It was a day we will never forget. This was the miracle that we had prayed for.
Dr. Shahinian said he could surgically remove the tumor and give my father his life back. We visited him on many occasions and were welcomed every time. Dr. Shahinian thoroughly explained the procedure, and what would be done in case of complications. He never left a single question unanswered. He comforted us and always made us feel as if he were a part of our family, not just a doctor doing business. After hearing about our family’s financial struggle, Dr. Shahinian helped us work out payment, which was a big relief.
The day of the surgery we were nervous, scared, and anxious but still felt at ease because of our confidence in Dr. Shahinian and his team. There was silence for about an hour as we all desperately waited for Dr. Shahinian’s return. Dr. Shahinian informed us the surgery had gone better than expected, and he was able to remove the tumor entirely. When I went to see my father, I was taken aback that there were no stitches on his face. Other doctors had shown us pictures of their patients after surgery and they were unbearable. Those poor people would need months of recovery time and be permanently scarred. When I saw my father he was awake and alert. I will never forget his smile when he looked into my eyes. This was our family’s happiest day. This time my mother’s tears were only tears of joy.
My family and I are very thankful to have met such a knowledgeable and talented man. Most important we all appreciate his compassion toward his profession. He is a real doctor, one who truly helps his patients not only for money. There aren’t many doctors, true doctors, such as Dr. Shahinian. My father wouldn’t be tumor free and have his life back if it weren’t for him. To our family, Dr. Shahinian is more than a gifted surgeon; he is a saint.
Sincerely from the heart,
Gevork K.
Sunland, CA