
Meningioma: Success Stories |
Orville C., Seattle, WA
Dear Dr. Shahinian,
This letter is written to give you an update on one of your favorite patients.
As you know, from the day the operation started to the day I flew home, it was only eight days. After the second day at the Four Seasons Hotel, I went for walks with my family and browsed the shopping center etc. By the fifth or sixth evening, I ate a 24-oz. steak at Mastro's. It is hard for me to explain to anyone how relieved I am that I recovered so quickly after the operation.
You may recall my first meningioma was removed approximately twelve years ago (in Seattle). What I went through for six months afterward is difficult to describe. Eating, drinking, and smoking cigars were out of the question. Compared to that first time, my recovery period in this instance was really a blessing.
I drove my car the fourth day after I came home and went to the office. Everyone marveled at the small bandage over my left eye and the explanation of what happened in the eight days that I was gone.
My speech and enunciation were restored to what they used to be; I no longer slurred my words. I was next to whispering to people at meetings, also socially. They could hardly hear me and I had to repeat myself several times. I went to a speech specialist and did not do so well.
Anyway, today I feel 110% and wanted you to know that. Thank you so much for making me feel as I do and giving me a meaningful life again.
I also want you to know that your staff was so kind and courteous to my family and me. Please thank them for me. There is only one Roxy in this world. She was positive in the various subjects and gave me even more confidence in the decision we made. My best to her, also.
Dr. Shahinian, I could never forget you!
My best to you and your staff,
Orville C.
Seattle, WA