
Acoustic Neuroma: Success Stories |
Robert S., Chanhassen, MN
I thank God frequently for Dr. Shahinian. Not just because he's a gifted surgeon, but because he's a man that blesses others through his own blessings. Dr. Shahinian spent nearly eleven hours removing my Grade 4 acoustic neuroma. During the operation, we learned that my tumor had hardened and intermingled with my brain stem, requiring greater surgery time, patience, skill and precision. Despite the challenge, Dr. Shahinian relentlessly labored to remove the tumor. Three days after surgery, a MRI revealed the fruits of Dr. Shahinian's meticulous work. Not a tumor remnant to be found.
My personal doctor and others often remind me that it's rare to see a surgeon work so diligently to remove a tumor that demands such extra work and patience. I'm told that most other surgeons would have shut down after removing 90% of the tumor. Other surgeons would hope for the best or just plan on seeing the patient 5 years or so later as the remaining tumor regenerates. I'm alive, well, healthy and tumor-free because Dr. Shahinian gave of himself to keep his promise to leave me better than when I came in.
How do I know Dr. Shahinian is blessed? When she learned about the tumor, my wife prayed that we would be led to the best surgeon and immediately knew that the local surgeons that had been recommended to us would not be the right choice. That same day she went online, found information about Dr. Shahinian of the Skull Base Institute and was overwhelmingly convinced that he was right surgeon. So what's so special about an online search? My wife, as intelligent as she is, has no computer skills and yet God moved her through the process to reveal Dr. Shahinian to her. I needed no further proof to know that Dr. Shahinian is a special man with a gift, a doctor truly blessed by God.
Dr. Shahinian does not risk lives; he saves them. Dr. Shahinian does not take shortcuts but rather gives of himself to put the patient first. Dr. Shahinian is not a man of pride but one that humbly serves those in need.
I believe that Dr. Shahinian's peers and the medical community in general should embrace his work versus fighting for the status quo. But until then, I am convinced that Dr. Shahinian's work is guided by God's will. I pray that, as you are reading these words, you may be touched by the same divine wisdom and guidance I have received in realizing Dr. Shahinian is a gift to us all.
Robert S.
Chanhassen, MN