
- Skull Base Surgery. In: Aston S, Beasley R, Thorne C, Grabb and Smith's Plastic Surgery. 6th ed. Boston: Little Brown & Company. Submitted.
- Kabil M, Shahinian HK: Pituitary Surgery - The Evolution From Open Transcranial to Fully Endoscopic Transnasal Surgery of The Pituitary Gland. In Ezzat S. Knutzen R, editors.
- Katzen JT, Kabil M, Shahinian HK: Surgical Correction of The Acromegalic Face. In Ezzat S, Knutzen R, editors. The Pituitary Patient Resource Guide 4th edition.
- Katzen JT, Eby J, Evans N, Shahinian HK: Surgical Correction of The Acromegalic Face. In Ezzat S, Knutzen R, editors. The Pituitary Patient Resource Guide. 3rd ed. pp. 97, 2001.
- Jarrahy R, Shahinian HK: Surgical Management of Pituitary Tumors. In DeGroot LJ, Jameson JL, eds. Endocrinology. 4th ed. Philadelphia-W.B. Saunders Co. Chap 26. 343-353, 2000.
- Jarrahy R, Eby J, Shahinian HK: The Evolution From Open Transcranial to Fully Endoscopic Transnasal Surgery of The Pituitaryt Gland. In Ezzat S, Knutzen R, editors.
- Shahinian HK: Tumors and Surgery of the Skull Base. In Aston S, BeasleyR, Thorne C, Grabb and Smith's Plastic Surgery. 5th Ed. Boston- little Brown & Company. Chap 39. 459-462, 1997.
Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery |
- Shahinian HK , Y. Ra: 527 Fully Endoscopic Resections of Vestibular Schwannomas.
- Shahinian HK, Jaeckle R, Suh R, Jarrahy R, Aguilar V, Soojian M: Obstetrical Factors Governing The Etiopathogenesis of Lamboid Syntosis. Am J. Perinato 15(5);281-6, 1998.
- Friedman TC, Zuckerbraun E, Daigle K, Shahinian HK: The Changing Faces of Cushing's Syndrome: Mild and Periodic Cases Makes the Diagnosis More Difficult. Submitted to NEJM.
- Shahinian HK, Suh RH, Jarrahy R: Combined infratemporal fossa and transfacial approach to excising massive tumors. ENT Journal. 78(5):350,353-6, 1999.
- Jarrahy R, Berci G, Shahinian HK: Assessment of The Efficacy of Endoscopy in Pituitary Adenoma Resection. Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery. 126(12):1487-1490, 2000.
- Mathiasen, RA, Eby J, Jarrahy R, Marguilies DR, Shahinian HK: A Dedicated Craniofacial and Skull Base Trauma Team Improves Efficacy and Reduces Cost. Journal of Surg Research. 97(2):138-143, 2001.
- Eby J, Cha ST, Shahinian HK: Fully Endoscopic Vascular Decompression of The Facial Nerve for Hemifacial Spasm. Skull Base Surgery. 11(3);189-196, 2001.
- Eby J, Cha ST, Shahinian HK: Endoscopic vs. microscopic surgical approach to pituitary adenomas. Submitted.
- Jarrahy R, Young J, Berci G, Shahinian HK: Endoscopic skull base surgery I: a new animal model for pituitary surgery. J Invest Surg. 12:1-6, 1999.
- Jarrahy R, Young J, Berci G, Shahinian HK: Endoscopic skull base surgery II: a new animal model for surgery of the posterior fossa. J Invest Surg 12:335-339, 1999.
- Jarrahy R, Suh R, Berci G, Shahinian HK: Endoscopic pituitary surgery: an in vivo model for transnasal transsphenoidal hypophysectomy. J Lap & Adv Surg Tech. 9(2):211-21, 1999.
- Kabil M, Shahinian HK: The Endoscopic Supraorbital Approach to Tumors of The Middle Cranial Base. Submitted to Surgical Neurology.
- Kabil M, Shahinian HK: Application of The Supraorbital Endoscopic Approach To Tumors of The anterior Cranial Base. J. Craniofacial Surgery. 16(6); 1070-1074, November 2005.
- Kabil M, Shahinian HK: Fully Endoscopic Supraorbital Resection of Congenital Middle Cranial Fossa Arachnoid Cysts; A Report of 2 Cases. Submitted to Pediatric Neurosurgery.
- Kabil M, Shahinian HK: A Fully Endoscopic Supraorbital Suprafrontal Approach to Frontal and Frontoparietal Convexity Parasagittal Meningiomas. Submitted to Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery.
- Kabil M, Jarrahy R, Shahinian HK: The Application of Craniofacial Techniques and Intracranial Endoscopy to Pituitary Surgery. J Craniofacial Surgery. 16(5); 2005.
- Jarrahy R, Cha ST, Shahinian HK: Retained Foreign Body in The Orbit and Cavernous Sinus With Delayed presentation of Superior Orbital Fissure Syndrome. J Craniofacial Surgery 12(1):82-6, 2001.
- Patel PM, Shahinian, HK, Friedman TC: Cushing's Disease Is Not Necessarily a Progressive and Fatal Disease: a Case of Cushing's Disease Documented Untreated for 26 Years. Endocrinologist 15(6); 343-344, 2005.
- Cha ST, Jarrahy R, Yong W, Eby J, Shahinian HK: Rare Symptomatic Presentation of Eccodosis Physaliphora and Unique Endoscope-Assisted Surgical management. Minimally Inv. Neurosurg. 45:36-39, 2002.
- Jarrahy R, Cha ST, Mathiasen RA, Shahinian HK: Congenital Teratoma of The Oropharyngeal Cavity with Intracranial Extension; case report and literature review. J Craniofacial Surgery. 11(2):106-12, 2000.
- Jarrahy R, Cha ST, Berci G, Shahinian HK: Fully Endoscopic Vascular Decompression of The Glossopharyngeal Nerve. J Craniofacial Surgery 13(1):90-95, 2002.
- Jarrahy R, Eby JB, Cha ST, Shahinian HK: Fully Endoscopic Vascular Decompression of The Trigeminal Nerve. Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery 45:32-35, 2002.
- Friedman T, Shahinian HK: Bilateral Cerebral Aneurysms Impinging on the Pituitary. Pituitary 7;1-2, 2005.
- Cha ST, Mathiasen RA, Jarrahy R, Suh R, Shahinian HK: Cerebellopontine Angle Metastasis from Papillary Carcinoma of The Thyroid: case report and literature review. Surgical Neurology. 54(4);320-326, 2000.
- Jarrahy R, Berci G, Shahinian HK: Endoscope-Assisted microvascular Decompression of The Trigeminal Nerve. Otolatyngology - Head & Neck Surgery.123(3); 218-23,2000.
- Jarrahy R, Cha ST, Berci G, Shahinian HK: Endoscopic Transglabellar Approach to The Anterior Fossa and Paranasal Sinuses. J Craniofacial Surgery 11(5);412-7, 2000.
- Cha ST, Eby JB, Katzen JT, Shahinian HK: Trigeminocardiac Reflex: A Unique Case of Recurrent Asytole During Bilateral Trigeminal Sensory Root Rhizotomy. J Craniomaxillofacial Surg. 14(2); 108-111, 2002.
- Zhu Y, Shahinian, HK, Hakimian B, Bonert V, Lim S, Heaney A: Temodar: Novel Treatment for Pituitary Carcinoma. Case Report, ENDO 2004, New Orleans.
- Kabil M, Eby J, Shahinian HK: Endoscopic Vascular decompression vs. Microvascular Decompression of The Trigeminal Nerve. Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery 48;4,2005.
- Kabil M, Shahinian HK: A Series of 112 Fully Endoscopic Resections of Vestibular Schwannomas. Submitted to Surgical Neurology.
- Katzen JT, Jarrahy R, Eby JB, Mathiasen RA, Margulies DR, Shahinian HK: Craniofacial and Skull Base Trauma. Journal of Trauma. 54(5);1026-1034,2003.
- Eby JB, Cha ST, Shahinian HK: Fully Endoscopic Transnasal-Transsphenoidal Pituitary Stalk Biop. Submitted to Skull Base; An Interdisciplinary Approach.
- Kabil M, Eby J, Shahinian HK: Fully Endoscopic Transnasal vs. Transseptal Transphenoidal Pituitary Surgery. Neurosurgeon Quarterly 15(3); 2005.
- Eby J, Cha ST, Shahinian HK: Fully Endoscopic Transnasal-Transsphenoidal Pituitary Stalk Surgery. Submitted to Skull Base; An Interdisciplinary Approach.
- Shahinian HK, Dornier C, Fisch U: Parapharyngeal Space Tumors: The Infratemporal Fossa approach. Skull Base Surgery 2(5); 73-81, 1995.
- Jarrahy R, Shahinian HK: Surgical Management of Pituitary Tumors. Pituitary. Volume 3, No. 1, pg12, 2000.
- Jarrahy R, Eby J, Shahinian HK: Pituitary Surgery: The Evolution from Open Transcranial to Fully Endoscopic Transnasal Surgery of the Pituitary Gland. In:Ezzat S, Knutzen R, editors. The Pituitary Patient Resource Guide. 3rd ed. pg181-185.
- Katzen JT, Eby JB, Evans NE, Shahinian HK: Surgical correction of the acromegalic face. In: Ezzat S, Knutzen R, editors. The Pituitary Patient Resource Guide. 3rd ed. pg 97.
- Jarrahy R. Katzen JT, Shahinian HK: The evolution of minimally invasive techniques in pituitary surgery. Submitted to J Neurology.
- Jarrahy R, Katzen JT, Shahinian HK: Staged management of clival chordoma. Submitted to American Journal of Otol.
- Shahinian HK, Eby J, Ocon M: Fully Endoscopic Excision of Vestibular Schwannomas. Submitted to Minimally Inv. Neurosurg.
- Shahinian HK: Fibrous Displaysia. Children's Craniofacial Association Network Newsletter, Summer 2004.
| Trigeminal
Neuralgia | Acoustic
Neuroma | Meningioma
| Craniopharyngioma
| Head & Neck
Tumors | Hemifacial
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Rathke's Cyst
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