
Summer 2004 Update
By Hrayr Shahinian, MD
I am pleased to announce several new additions to the Skull Base Institute family. In addition to our two long term nurse coordinators Nicole Evans and Araksi Bekhloyan we have recruited a physician assistant, Vahe Arabian to help with the flow of patients and consultations on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We have also recruited an Academic Coordinator, Milena Ocon, to integrate all of the research activities including all new publications and presentations and to interface with our fellows' research. As mentioned in the research section of this issue, Dr. Mohamed Kabil is our international research fellow this year. We welcome him and expect him to have an academically rewarding stay.
Once again this year we had the privilege of treating many patients from overseas and in addition to our normal lineup of countries including Switzerland, Italy and France, we had a lovely young patient from Poland and we hope that this trend will continue with some of the new European Union countries that were formerly part of Eastern Europe.
Our main website www.skullbaseinstitute.com is currently in the process of a significant facelift and we hope that in the next 8-12 weeks we will have the new home page, up and running. This new version will have significant improvements both in substance and in style including a very interesting 3-D interactive feature that will allow patients to rotate the structures at the base of the skull and understand better the three dimensional elements and anatomy involved.
Our sister website, www.sbiheadlines.com will also be enhanced by the addition of numerous articles, chapters and Power Point presentations that will give the viewer more information and more details regarding some of these innovative minimally invasive procedures.
Finally, I would like to thank our family of patients who have been so generous with their personal time and have willingly devoted their efforts in helping other potential patients go through the normal anxiety and stress of having to undergo these skull base and brain procedures. I am grateful that a few of them came up with the idea of developing "patient-to patient panels" in order to provide a resource for future patients.